1504031051 – LewisWildermuth said:
Creationism makes God out to be a liar in the end
because of it's insistence on a literal reading of the Bible. With the
black and white only filters they use God is either lying to us though the
Bible or through the evidence He left in creation, either way God would be
What strange doctrine is this my brother? For do we not live in the same
world and observe the same things? Oh ye of little faith, do you doubt
that our almighty God could do such a thing as create a world as it is
written? How can you equate that creationism is not Christian? That is
absurdity to the highest degree! You need to examine your own life as a
Christian before you make such a bold unsupported claim.
That is why the theology behind Creationism is not
Christian at all, just a mockery of it.
Creationism makes no mockery of Christianity, it is those who call
themselves Christians and are not worthy of the name that maketh mockery
of Christians. It is those who insist that our awesome God is a god of an
old earth, and equate God into an ogre of a god who can provide no relief
from the torments of life that equate as the highest form of mockery.
Trust in God, not merely what you see.
What strange doctrine is this my brother? For do we
not live in the same world and observe the same things? Oh ye of little
faith, do you doubt that our almighty God could do such a thing as create
a world as it is written? How can you equate that creationism is not
Christian? That is absurdity to the highest degree! You need to examine
your own life as a Christian before you make such a bold unsupported
150403115 - wblastyn said: Why does creation not agree with creationism? Why
does the earth look older than 6000 years old, why is there so much
supporting evidence for evolution but none for special creation. IF God
created the way creationists say He did then why do we not see it in
creation itself?
Creationism makes no mockery of Christianity, it is
those who call themselves Christians and are not worthy of the name that
maketh mockery of Christians. It is those who insist that our awesome God
is a god of an old earth, and equate God into an ogre of a god who can
provide no relief from the torments of life that equate as the highest
form of mockery. Trust in God, not merely what you see.
We do trust God, we trust that He did not plant
false evidence in creation but the evidence shows what really happened.
It is you who will not allow God to show you how to interpret Genesis
through His creation. You try and tell God how He should have created
rather than looking at how He actually did it.
You are making exactly the same mistake the flat
earthers and geocentricists made. They tried to use scripture to interpret
creation, rather than allowing creation to interpret scripture and look
how that turned out - they were wrong.
Also, "maketh"? Since when do we speak in ye old English here?
1504031243 - LewisWildermuth said: The 6 day creation story is not a lie, it is a
story, a fictional event meant to convey spiritual truths and religious
opinions of the day.
That is a contradiction if I ever saw one. How can something be "not a
lie" and a "fictional event" at the same time. God's word is either lie or
truth, fiction or non fiction - it cannot be both. So which one is it? If
it is a lie then there is no true reason for anyone of us to be here, and
if it is truth then why not accept it on face value?
There is a vast difference between telling a story
to make a point any lying, as I pointed out C.S Lewis's fictional works
were not lies, they were moral tales.
So you are
equating the events of Genesis to be nothing more than moral tales? So
what keeps the rest of the Bible from being simply that, moral tales and
nothing more? Lewis' writings cannot be compared to the Scriptures. It is
bad analogy to compare the Holy Scriptures to works written by fallible
If there is no difference then Christianity is
already doomed since Jesus used fictional stories and examples in his
teachings. And that would make Jesus a liar, are you prepared to call Him
There is a major
difference. Jesus used stories, because He is God and if He were to tell
us of heavenly things how can we as finite human beings understand
infinite thoughts and concepts. I am a sinner just like you and everyone
else, but I know that what I say comes not of my own reasoning but what is
revealed to me by my absolute faith in God and the authority of the
Scriptures. Your implications of me calling JC a liar is unsupported and
stems from lack of faith. Moreover, are you prepared to tell God why you
did not believe in what He has said, and started to believe in the
theories of men?
And yes I've seen the un-equal day "theory" and many
1000 year or more-day "theories" and they all fall just as flat as the
6-24hr day "theories".
It seems the only place the word day does not mean day is in Genesis. Why
is that? Is it because of the assumed billions of years of the
evolutionary process? Do we ever say that Jonah was in the belly of the
great fish 3 thousand years or 3 million years instead of 3 days? If the
word day doesn't mean day when it plainly says day, then when does it mean
day when it says day?
I think here again instead of taking God for His word, we have taken our
own fallen view of the world and reduced our omnipotent God into an ogre
of a god who is content in ruling an old earth. If God took this long in
bringing about this world, we should worry about the new heaven and new
earth that will come to be. Will we need to wait another 4.5 billion years
before that world is habitable? And what strange doctrine would that be in
promising that death and suffering will be no more in the new world, when
it is the very process such a god used in creating this one. That is
nonsense of the highest kind!
1504031352 -wblastyn said: That's because humans with tails are very rare, and
they usually have them removed as a baby, but they are real tails, some
people can even wiggle them. As for the bats, it turns out I got mixed up,
bats aren't actually blind, it's cave dwelling salamanders, their eyes are
covered with skin, but they are there.
Very rare indeed because it is a mutation. It is true that once in a great
while a child is born with this outgrowth and it is removed because it
serves no purpose and have no bone structure or nerve cord, it is merely
an outgrowth from the true tail bone “coccyx” which is far from being
useless. Some people will believe that it can be wriggled but that is
false, no muscle tissue, it is actually just skin and a little fatty
tissue. This outgrowth of skin in no way relates to an evolutionary
heritage much like humans who are born with an additional useless finger
or toe, or for that matter no digits.
No, I stopped listening to man trying to tell God
how He should have created and started allowing God to tell me how He
created, through Creation.
That is not what I am seeing, you have substituted man’s theories with
God’s words. If it is as you have said that you have “started allowing God
to tell me how He created, through creation” then what is the problem
here? Do you trust God or not?
Yes it does, what do you think peer reviews, etc are
for - to weed out human error.
Peer reviews? You really mean biased peer reviews that filter out any
views opposing their own presuppositions based on their a priori
commitment to materialism.
Science does not deal with the supernatural because
it does not have the tools to do so and because the supernatural cannot be
falsified, because with the supernatural anything is possible.
So if you believe in God and that He exists and science cannot prove His
existence, then what is there to be gained from believing in such a being?
Furthermore what is there to be gained from believing in anything else
that is written in scripture – since science has not proven that a virgin
can give birth, nor a man can come back from the dead?
What has nature being cursed got to do with
evolution, how does sin explain errors in design?
Because mutations, death, suffering and the like are the consequence of
sin. God is a God of infinite holiness and is without sin nor can He be in
the sight of sin. It is because of sin that God has removed his eternal
sustaining power from His creation. But because of His infinite love He
did not destroy His creation and began a new – rather He has offered
salvation through His beloved son. How do I know this? I have prayed many
times that God reveal to me His truth, and he has - only after I have
relinquished my heart, mind, and soul to JC. The truth to many is hard to
swallow for men love darkness rather than light, and few their be that
find their way to eternal life.
What is a kind?
Horse kind, dog kind, cat kind, elephant kind, mankind. (no specific
order, because evolution did not occur)
Creation science is an oxymoron, it's the very
opposite of science. Science finds evidence and allows it to lead them to
a conclusion, whereas creation "science" already has a conclusion and
twists the facts to fit the conclusion.
Evolution is a myth propagated by wishful thinking, and is an orphaned
theory removed from all the other hard earned useful sciences.
You're arguing atheism, which won't work with me,
since I believe God is the ultimate designer, using evolution as His
designing tool.
The God I know does not use such a cruel, blind process to design His
creation. My God is the God of creation, whereas yours is of an old earth
and of evolution and mutations and not a true god at all, for yours has no
power over pain and suffering - as a matter of fact your god enjoys seeing
people suffer!
Science does not assume anything about God's
existence, or non-existence, it just makes no comment, science is
agnostic. Otherwise, how do you explain scientists who are Christians.
Or there is already the presupposition that there is no God therefore He
is not mentioned. As I have said earlier not everyone is worthy of the
name. It really does not matter what people call themselves, what matters
is how they live their lives.
"Why isn't evolution called a law? Laws are
generalizations that describe phenomena, whereas theories explain
phenomena. For example, the laws of thermodynamics describe what will
happen under certain circumstances; thermodynamics theories explain why
these events occur. Laws, like facts and theories, can change with better
data. But theories do not develop into laws with the accumulation of
evidence. Rather, theories are the goal of science."
Evolution is neither a law nor a theory - it is a myth, brought on by
wishful thinking and as a way for men to turn away from the truth of God
and God Himself.
No, I trust men who have studied scripture to be
able to interpret it correctly. Literal Genesis is only YOUR
interpretation of it, not God's Word, please stop implying you are God.
And I, the word of God. I don’t think I am interpreting anything, much
like everything else, I read Genesis on face value and as Jesus himself
quoted as literal history - as it was meant to be. And what gives you the
idea that I am implying that I am God? Because I believe in what He tells
me that makes me a child of God, not God. I have no desire to be God, I
would not have the patience with mere mortals such as ourselves who allow
themselves to value men’s theories over the word of God, and would have
obliterated them many times over. And please stop saying that the almighty
God of the Bible used evolution because He did not.
Genesis tells us that sin entered the world, as do
many other scriptures, how is unimportant, it does not matter if someone
actually ate from a magic tree or not.
Tell me are there many ways to eternal life? Is not Jesus the only way?
How sin entered the world is of the utmost importance for if sin did not
enter the world as describe in Genesis then we would not need Jesus to pay
the price for our sins. If sin did not enter the world as in the account
described in Genesis, what was Paul talking about in the New Testament
when he referred to sin entering the world through one man or the many
other instances where Paul refers to the accounts of Genesis.
The Bible was written by fallible men, then changed
a lot by fallible men, then translated by fallible men.
Then why do you believe in any of it? Is there any proof that it has been
changed a lot since it was written? How many handwritten copies have been
found? How early are these copies? What were the errors? Are they
translation errors or intentional distortions of the truth? The scriptures
are the inspired word of God revealed to man – that is why I believe in
it. No one can simply understand the scriptures by reading it as a text
until the Holy Spirit opens their hearts and minds.
1504031620 - wblastyn said: Why does
creation not agree with creationism? Why does the earth look older than
6000 years old, why is there so much supporting evidence for evolution but
none for special creation. If God created the way creationists say He did
then why do we not see it in creation itself?
It agrees more with a young earth than you have been lead into believing.
Over 90% of all dating methods date the earth younger than what
evolutionists require and yet they are insistent on accepting only the 10%
or less that conclude an old earth. Why is that? Tell me is that good
science? If the earth is as old as it is said to be why are the oceans not
saltier than it presently is? Or for that matter why do you not find more
cosmic dust on the moon than there actually is? There are many other
examples that disagree with the evolutionary timeline. If you want
strictly scientific data for proof of a young earth - look into Walt
Brown's Book. "In the Beginning. Compelling Evidence for Creation and the
Flood. 7th edition.
We do trust God, we trust that He did not plant
false evidence in creation but the evidence shows what really happened.
And so do I. It is true that God does not plant false evidence. So there
must be another reason should there not? And it is as I have said earlier,
not in our trust of any theory by man whether it be creationism or the ToE
that will bring us to know God, but by His grace that our eyes will be
opened. What has really happened is that you have forgotten the other part
of the equation, God's once trusted archangel Lucifer who also has super
natural powers but not God's equal in any sense - who will in the end be
tossed along with the unbelievers into the lake of fire.
It is you who will not allow God to show you how to
interpret Genesis through His creation. You try and tell God how He should
have created rather than looking at how He actually did it.
That is a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact however that I have
allowed God to show me His truth and it is in the plain understanding of
His word. Do not interpret the scriptures using mere human intuition, but
rather through prayer and meditation, something that many neglect to do
You are making exactly the same mistake the flat
earthers and geocentricists made. They tried to use scripture to interpret
creation, rather than allowing creation to interpret scripture and look
how that turned out - they were wrong.
Perhaps in your view but not in God's. And besides what makes you so sure
evolution was how God created? Yes they were wrong, because they were men
who interpreted the scriptures based on human intuition and what was
available to them at the time, God however is not wrong. In essence then
you are saying that God was wrong then since what you see does not reflect
what is written?
Also, "maketh"? Since when do we speak in ye old
English here?
Since I became born again, and the word of God has been branded into my
heart and soul and not merely my mind. For "Blessed is that man that
maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud, nor such as turn
aside to lies. Psalms 40:4 KJV
It agrees more with a young earth than you have been
lead into believing. Over 90% of all dating methods date the earth younger
than what evolutionists require and yet they are insistent on accepting
only the 10% or less that conclude an old earth. Why is that? Tell me is
that good science? If the earth is as old as it is said to be why are the
oceans not saltier than it presently is? Or for that matter why do you not
find more cosmic dust on the moon than there actually is? There are many
other examples that disagree with the evolutionary timeline. If you want
strictly scientific data for proof of a young earth - look into Walt
Brown's Book. "In the Beginning. Compelling Evidence for Creation and the
Flood. 7th edition.
1504031746 - wblastyn said: Where is your evidence to back up what you say?
All those things have been refuted by real science
before. Are you arrogant enough to believe that you, a layman, can
disprove science by simply quoting some "facts" about the moon dust, etc.
If it were as simple to disprove an old earth then why would so many
scientists accept an ancient earth?
Moon dust:
Btw, moon
dust is also refuted by AiG.
Saltiness of ocean: from
"Question 3: The saltiness of the oceans has nothing
to do with the age of the Earth, and everything to do with the chemical
residency time of sodium chloride (salt) in solution in the oceans.
............... which looks like a not much worse than 50/50 bet that the
Earth does not exist yet. I'm impressed."
And so do I. It is true that God does not plant
false evidence. So there must be another reason should there not? And it
is as I have said earlier, not in our trust of any theory by man whether
it be creationism or the ToE that will bring us to know God, but by His
grace that our eyes will be opened. What has really happened is that you
have forgotten the other part of the equation, God's once trusted
archangel Lucifer who also has super natural powers but not God's equal in
any sense - who will in the end be tossed along with the unbelievers into
the lake of fire.
What has accepting evolution got to do with
apparently forgetting my belief in Satan?
That is a matter of opinion, it is a matter of fact
however that I have allowed God to show me His truth and it is in the
plain understanding of His word. Do not interpret the scriptures using
mere human intuition, but rather through prayer and meditation, something
that many neglect to do today.
Well anyone can say "God told me". We can't just sit
back and expect God to send His angels to tell us things, we have to get
up and do our own research and pray God will lead us to the truth.
Perhaps in your view but not in God's. And besides
what makes you so sure evolution was how God created? Yes they were wrong,
because they were men who interpreted the scriptures based on human
intuition and what was available to them at the time, God however is not
wrong. In essence then you are saying that God was wrong then since what
you see does not reflect what is written?
So in God's view the earth is flat and at the center
of the solar system? Uh huh...
I'm so sure because evolution is the best
explanation for the evidence found in Creation and has yet to be
falsified, Creationism on the other hand was falsified by Christian
geologists hundreds of years ago.
The men interpreted scripture literally just as you
do, they thought anyone who thought different was a heretic. How are you
any different. You have knowledge available to you yet you chose to ignore
No, I'm saying a literal interpretation is wrong
because it does not reflect what we see in reality. I do not believe God's
Word is wrong.
Since I became born again, and the word of God has
been branded into my heart and soul and not merely my mind. For "Blessed
is that man that maketh the Lord his trust, and respecteth not the proud,
nor such as turn aside to lies. Psalms 40:4 KJV
Ere you realize it's the translators who spoke in ye old English, not God.
When speaking directly to the people God would have to speak to them in
their own language, i.e. Hebrew for the Old Testament characters.
1504032011 - wblastyn said: Where is
your evidence to back up what you say?
The Scriptures:
“For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in
them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the
sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Ex 20:11
“It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six
days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and
was refreshed.” Ex 31:17
So where does it say God took millions of years in the scriptures? If God
did not create the world in 6 literal days why reiterate it throughout the
All those things have been refuted by real science
before. Are you arrogant enough to believe that you, a layman, can
disprove science by simply quoting some "facts" about the moon dust, etc.
If it were as simple to disprove an old earth then why would so many
scientists accept an ancient earth?
Are thou so proud of thy knowledge of worldly things which thou can not
taketh into the kingdom of the most high? That is exactly my point, facts
alone are meaningless it is the belief system that makes use of the facts
– if it does not support my faith in God - it is garbage. It was to prove
a point that regurgitating facts back and forth will not solve issues of
faith. I do not care about who or what refutations of fallible theories
have been refuted by fallible men, for I stand foremost on God’s word and
that I do to my death for the truth of God remains irregardless of what we
take as literal or allegory. I am sure you cannot say that about your
beloved ToE. It does not effect my faith in the absolute authority of the
word of God in even the slightest way if men’s theories are so called
Moon dust:
Btw, moon
dust is also refuted by AiG.
What is AiG, another atheistic site? As I have said before spare me the
links - if they mention nothing of God’s sovereignty over His creation –
don’t even bother to link because it will be but a waste of my time and
What has accepting evolution got to do with
apparently forgetting my belief in Satan?
I have said many times before you have removed the sin factor. Evolution -
smevolution, nor by any other name it is still false and for it is
connected to deeper and darker forces that you are not aware of and have
been duped into believing.
Well anyone can say "God told me". We can't just sit
back and expect God to send His angels to tell us things, we have to get
up and do our own research and pray God will lead us to the truth.
And again I say what matters is not what I say, but what does God’s words
say, go read the scriptures - what I say simply reflect what has been
written you should know that by now. I suggest you read the scriptures
more and man's theories less.
So in God's view the earth is flat and at the center
of the solar system? Uh huh...
You said it, not me. And besides where does it ever say that the earth was
flat in the Scriptures? I sure would like to know since my version
mentions nothing about the world being flat or the earth as the center of
the universe?
I'm so sure because evolution is the best
explanation for the evidence found in Creation and has yet to be
falsified, Creationism on the other hand was falsified by Christian
geologists hundreds of years ago.
100% sure? Pretty bold claim there, if you ask me, with no undisputed
proof, and a lot of wishful thinking I bet. So tell me how many so called
“Christian scientists” do you know that are willing to be mocked and
ridiculed by men for their absolute faith in a God at any day and age? Not
many I predict – shows you how Christian they are if they are not willing
to take up the cross. I have no doubt when the Lord returns He will
separate the goats from the sheep and the chaff from the wheat for have
you not read:
“But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall
be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies,
even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift
destruction.” 2Peter 2:1 KJV
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are
of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” 1 John
4:1 KJV
The men interpreted scripture literally just as you
do, they thought anyone who thought different was a heretic. How are you
any different.
Ah yes, the in crowd syndrome. There is nothing new about going with the
flow for it is much easier – I guess I understand now your position on
this issue but be forewarned that he who mocks the one who stands on the
Word of God mocks not the person but the one whose words they are. As I
have said many times, there is no interpretation being done, read the
scriptures for crying out loud! Does it not say in 6 days God created the
world? Does it say in 6 million years He created? No! It says 6 days, what
can be plainer to understand than that? What makes me different? I am
among the very few rare breed of God’s children who stand not on man’s
deceptions but on God’s truth.
You have knowledge available to you yet you chose to
ignore it.
What you seek or have sought for is not true knowledge but faith in false
doctrines, for what you truly seek elusively finds you not for you
continue to worship a god of an old earth. Fill your mind with whatever
falseness you deemed fit but bare in mind that we cannot take with us such
earthly things that we have gained or learned.
No, I'm saying a literal interpretation is wrong
because it does not reflect what we see in reality. I do not believe God's
Word is wrong.
No, what is wrong is that by saying God used evolution you blame God for
all the atrocities of life and have no rationale for solving them. True,
reality does not reflect what we read in scripture of a perfect creation
because the sin factor is at play most pervasively throughout God’s
creation, or have you forgotten that?
The Scriptures:
“For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in
them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the
sabbath day, and hallowed it.” Ex 20:11
“It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six
days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and
was refreshed.” Ex 31:17
So where does it say God took millions of years in the scriptures? If God
did not create the world in 6 literal days why reiterate it throughout the
1504032039 - wblastyn said: I also have verses to support a flat earth and
geocentric solar system.
Isaiah 40:22 "He sits enthroned above the circle of
the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the
heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in."
Here Isaiah says the earth is a circle (not a
sphere), which is flat, and is covered by the dome of the universe
described as "like a tent."
The tree grew large and strong and its top touched
the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth." Daniel 4:11 For
something to be visible to the ends of the earth, the earth would have to
be flat. "He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved."
Psalm 104:5
"The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved." Psalm
93:1 "Say among the nations, 'The Lord reigns.' The world is firmly
established; it cannot be moved." Psalm 96:10
"Tremble before him, all the earth! The world is firmly established; it
cannot be moved." 1 Chronicles 16:30
If the earth cannot move then it is not revolving
around the sun, so the church believed in geocentricism.
"The pillars of the heavens quake, aghast at his
rebuke." Job 26:11 "When the earth and all its people quake, it is I who
hold its pillars firm." Psalm 75:3
"For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's, and he set the world upon
them." 1 Samuel 2:8
Here the earth is said to sit on pillars. So where does it say the earth is a sphere and moves
around the sun? HINT: The Bible is not a science book.
Are thou so proud of thy knowledge of worldly things
which thou can not taketh into the kingdom of the most high? That is
exactly my point, facts alone are meaningless it is the belief system that
makes use of the facts – if it does not support my faith in God - it is
garbage. It was to prove a point that regurgitating facts back and forth
will not solve issues of faith. I do not care about who or what
refutations of fallible theories have been refuted by fallible men, for I
stand foremost on God’s word and that I do to my death for the truth of
God remains irregardless of what we take as literal or allegory. I am sure
you cannot say that about your beloved ToE. It does not effect my faith in
the absolute authority of the word of God in even the slightest way if
men’s theories are so called refuted.
Evolution does not support or unsupport God, gravity
is the same.
What is AiG, another atheistic site? As I have said
before spare me the links - if they mention nothing of God’s sovereignty
over His creation – don’t even bother to link because it will be but a
waste of my time and yours.
No, Answers in Genesis is a Christian creationist
I have said many times before you have removed the
sin factor. Evolution - smevolution, nor by any other name it is still
false and for it is connected to deeper and darker forces that you are not
aware of and have been duped into believing.
Yes because "descent with modification" is so evil and cunning. Evil
finches for being different in one population to those of another island,
they've obviously been manipulated by Satan.
And again I say what matters is not what I say, but
what does God’s words say, go read the scriptures - what I say simply
reflect what has been written you should know that by now. I suggest you
read the scriptures more and man's theories less.
It's really what your interpretation of God's Word says, not God's Word.
You said it, not me. And besides where does it ever
say that the earth was flat in the Scriptures? I sure would like to know
since my version mentions nothing about the world being flat or the earth
as the center of the universe?
See verses above.
100% sure? Pretty bold claim there, if you ask me,
with no undisputed proof, and a lot of wishful thinking I bet. So tell me
how many so called “Christian scientists” do you know that are willing to
be mocked and ridiculed by men for their absolute faith in a God at any
day and age? Not many I predict – shows you how Christian they are if they
are not willing to take up the cross. I have no doubt when the Lord
returns He will separate the goats from the sheep and the chaff from the
wheat for have you not read:
I never said 100% sure. That is why science is based
on "theories" because scientists know that they do not know everything.
It's not about not wanting to be mocked, it's about
finding the truth. If Christian scientists ignored the evidence for
evolution they'd be lying to themselves, and science would get no where.
“But there were false prophets also among the
people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall
bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and
bring upon themselves swift destruction.” 2Peter 2:1 KJV
Yes, creationism is a damnable heresy, it pushes
scientists and other educated people away from the church.
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the
spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out
into the world.” 1 John 4:1 KJV
Creationism was tried over 100 years ago and failed.
Ah yes, the in crowd syndrome. There is nothing new
about going with the flow for it is much easier – I guess I understand now
your position on this issue but be forewarned that he who mocks the one
who stands on the Word of God mocks not the person but the one whose words
they are. As I have said many times, there is no interpretation being
done, read the scriptures for crying out loud! Does it not say in 6 days
God created the world? Does it say in 6 million years He created? No! It
says 6 days, what can be plainer to understand than that? What makes me
different? I am among the very few rare breed of God’s children who stand
not on man’s deceptions but on God’s truth.
What are you talking about now, what crowds? Heliocenticism was very much
against the flow at the time because the church believed a literal
interpretation of scripture, look who was wrong.
You think rather highly of yourself. Are you so sure it's not you who is
being deceived?
What you seek or have sought for is not true knowledge but faith in false
doctrines, for what you truly seek elusively finds you not for you
continue to worship a god of an old earth. Fill your mind with whatever
falseness you deemed fit but bare in mind that we cannot take with us such
earthly things that we have gained or learned.
Evolution is not a doctrine, it's a scientific theory based on
overwhelming supporting evidence.
No, what is wrong is that by saying God used evolution you blame God for
all the atrocities of life and have no rationale for solving them. True,
reality does not reflect what we read in scripture of a perfect creation
because the sin factor is at play most pervasively throughout God’s
creation, or have you forgotten that?
Evolution was the very thing that saved Christianity because theologians
were having trouble explaining how God created everything so special with
so many mistakes. (human tail for instance - it's a real tail locked away
in the human genome activated by mutation, it can be wiggled by some). I
would post a site but you'll only ignore it because it goes against your
position, it just shows how insecure you are about your beliefs.
Well if all I read was the Bible I'd believe in a flat earth.
1604032253 - wblastyn said: I also have verses to support a flat
earth and geocentric solar system.
No my brother you have theories surmised from incredulity of Scripture by
fallible men not the scriptures, for God does not contradict His own
truth. It is men who seek to discredit God such as yourself. This is
nothing new, for since God created the universe men have not thanked God
for continuing to sustaining them even when they have turned against Him.
Here Isaiah says the earth is a circle (not a sphere), which is flat, and
is covered by the dome of the universe described as "like a tent."
Really? The word flat is not even in the verse! Was this revealed to you
by the HS or was it based on your presuppositions that evolution was how
God created and therefore distorted the verse to meet your needs?
If the earth cannot move then it is not revolving around the sun, so the
church believed in geocentricism.
Yes the church believed, the church where dwelleth fallible men who used
their fallen mind in explaining a world with only those tools available to
them at the time.
Here the earth is said to sit on pillars. So where does it say the earth
is a sphere and moves around the sun? HINT: The Bible is not a science
What is your point? Where does it say it is “flat”? Circle, dome -
suggests more of a round earth then a flat one if you ask me. I have
address this science text book stuff before.
Evolution does not support or unsupport God, gravity is the same.
Of course it doesn’t support God, I am glad you’re finally coming to your
senses. Unsupport is not in my vocabulary nor is it in the dictionary so
I’m not sure what you mean. And please lose the gravity thing, I’ve
addressed that before.
No, Answers in Genesis is a Christian creationist website.
I stand corrected. I will have to read some of their material over before
commenting – still however it is no substitute for the word of God.
Yes because "descent with modification" is so evil and cunning. Evil
finches for being different in one population to those of another island,
they've obviously been manipulated by Satan.
What false doctrine is this? Descent from what? Evil finches? What island?
You’re talking about Darwin’s ordeal right? My thoughts, the man was
simply wrong. He was out to remove God because of his commitment to
materialistic means. No, it is the consequence of sin and man’s rebellion.
It's really what your interpretation of God's Word says, not God's Word.
No, it is a plain reading, a plain understanding, no interpretation needed
or used – what can be plainer than that? And if that were the case - that
the majority of Christians believe in an old earth, old universe, and so
on – why not modify the words of scripture to reflect this belief? Why not
change the days in Genesis to millions of years?
I never said 100% sure. That is why science is based on "theories" because
scientists know that they do not know everything.
And that is why I base my faith on God’s words, not man’s theories.
Because the word of God has remain intact since the creation of this world
and will remain intact when you and I are dead and buried.
It's not about not wanting to be mocked, it's about finding the truth. If
Christian scientists ignored the evidence for evolution they'd be lying to
themselves, and science would get no where.
Yes it is. It is about carrying the cross. Suffering for JC and the cause
of truth that matters to God, not believing in a theory agreed on by men
who often times reject God. Please don’t use the word Christian with
scientist together anymore, as I have said earlier not everyone who call
themselves a Christian is worthy of the name. What science are you talking
about? You mean the science of evolution? That is not real science, it is
wishful thinking and nothing more. True science involves testable,
repeatable, observable experiments - not evolution where wishful thinking
is supported by only more wishful thinking.
Yes, creationism is a damnable heresy, it pushes scientists and other
educated people away from the church.
It is a heresy to those who have been polluted by men’s theories and not
God’s Truth. You are willing to follow these so called scientists and
educated people even into eternal darkness – as for me, I will follow
God’s truth. There is not much else I can do for you accept pray for you
have chosen you path. You have ignored the signs of the time and when it
comes time to pay, you will have nothing but an empty theory and a lot of
explaining to do before the almighty God. You have forgotten that even
scientists are merely human and ignorant of God's truth - even in the days
of Noah only 8 were spared because only they saw the truth of God.
Creationism was tried over 100 years ago and failed.
Tried by fallible men I suppose. And Yes the ultimate judge will not care
about what theories one knows, or how respected in the eyes of men one
becomes but in whether we know His son Jesus Christ. How does he know
this? Not by the mere confession of ones tongue but by the presence of JC
in their hearts. Because you should know merely believing in Jesus is not
enough to guarantee salvation, it is only in abandoning all earthly things
and living for Christ that will guarantee salvation.
What are you talking about now, what crowds? Heliocenticism was very much
against the flow at the time because the church believed a literal
interpretation of scripture, look who was wrong.
The so called scientific crowd whom you’ve embraced as holders of your
truth. Instead of carrying the cross you have taken the easy way out by
going with the flow instead of against it. It was found wrong because it
was conceived by fallible men. God is not blind! He sees and knows what is
troubling you.
You think rather highly of yourself. Are you so sure it's not you who is
being deceived?
No, I think highly of my God, for He alone is worthy of my praise. For in
His infinite mercy He has saved an unworthy wretch like me. And yes I am
sure, 100% sure, for God does not deceive.
Evolution is not a doctrine, it's a scientific theory based on
overwhelming supporting evidence.
No it isn’t just a doctrine, it is a false doctrine. It is a lie of Satan
and I am afraid you have fallen for it as I once have and so many
Christians today. Evidence smevidence - Is that all that you base your
faith on? Perhaps that is why you do not see God’s truth for you have
ignored everything in the Scriptures that disagree with your evolutionary
view and have embraced whatever else you deem fit because it sounds much
better and because “scientists” agree on it. Need I remind you that
scientists are also sinners and are not exempt from God’s judgment.
Evolution was the very thing that saved Christianity because theologians
were having trouble explaining how God created everything so special with
so many mistakes. (human tail for instance - it's a real tail locked away
in the human genome activated by mutation, it can be wiggled by some).
It did not save Christianity, it distorted the truth of God, and He will
bring his wrath on those deceiving His children. They simply gave up the
cross and took an easier path. For it is in times of persecution that we
will be tested as true believers of God or not. It is not in compromising
of God's truth and in good times that we are made true Christians but in
trials and tribulations that we are molded into the true children God. And
by the way please lose the tail thing, it is blasphemous to my God to
equate that He was apelike and besides there is no gene for tails –
otherwise all of us would be walking around with one.
I would post a site but you'll only ignore it because it goes against your
position, it just shows how insecure you are about your beliefs.
Insecurity of faith stems from belief in something that is always changing
like your sacred ToE. My God never changes, neither does His truth,
therefore who do you think has more insecurity?
Well if all I read was the Bible I'd believe in a flat earth.
Yes you would because you have chosen to simply take what you want out of
the Scriptures that agrees with your evolutionary view and have
disregarded the rest. If only you would have read the Scriptures as a
whole through prayer and meditation you would see it says no such thing.
1604031249 - Follower of Christ said:
Its really not worth your effort with these fine folks. Look at the joke
of a verse he pulls out to show that the earth is flat. Nothing about flat
in it. I would say that the fact that a circle is used gives much credit
to a writer who would normally have had no idea that the earth wasn't
flat. You gave a great shot, but I would leave these folks to their
If evolution is as I believe, you really don't stand much chance of
persuading them out of their delusion. They don't want to leave it. There
are other areas in this very forum where folks are actually looking for
Gods truth. You really seem like you could do much good for some of those
It is this breed of Christians that seem to be the most difficult to
convince of the truth. They see themselves as the children of God and
trust not His word. They seem to believe more what they see and are not
willing to take up the cross for they value themselves more before men
than in the sight of God.
Perhaps you are correct in concluding that there is no convincing them to
change their beliefs. But I think that it has made them think about what
they believe in if not change their beliefs. In their defense of their
faith they have shown me how Christian they are in their retreat to
theories of men rather than on the truth of God – for you and I know
theories of men cannot stand against the word of God. It is not a question
of who has the most evidence but who has the most faith, because evidences
alone without faith are meaningless.
I think this shall be my final post here, for I have taken up my cross and
will begin seminary soon to prepare myself for the coming kingdom of God
and will have little time to spare.
Give God the glory my brother, for He is the only one worthy of any
praise. I am simply His unworthy messenger.
To God be the Glory!