Final Thoughts
Evolutionary Thinking and the
Christian Perspective
As Christians we must understand the
reasoning behind a nonbeliever in order to get on the same wavelength
about the topic of evolution so that their faulty arguments can be
dismantled. If one does not understand how the enemy in the spiritual
combat zone works then there is little hope of defeating him.
From research, personal reasoning and prayer I conclude that the idea
behind the belief in the validity of evolution and life arising without a
designer goes back about three centuries before our time to that of David
Humes, a Scottish philosopher and atheist who lived from 1711-1776. His
belief was primarily a revival of what was upheld by the Greek
philosophers Socrates, Epicures, and the like.
These Greek philosophers popularized the idea that all the designs of
nature need not require the Greek gods or any supernatural being for that
matter. They believed thus because they saw very little that pointed to
the existence of any supernatural beings. From this idea stem the
materialistic philosophers who believed in the same line of thought as
that of the quantum theory. They believed that throughout nature there
exists a continuity from the inorganic to the organic where you go from
one to the other without any abrupt breaks. This same concept was applied
to chemical evolution in saying that there are no breaks between things
that are dead to the things that are living.
Science today do not believe this, however, many continue to insist that
this was the case in the evolution of a primordial soup into the first
primitive organisms and unto man - in that there are gradual steps from
simple life forms to complex ones. This idea however is not true as those
who are aware of the quantum theory, know that one organism changes into
another in leaps and bounds or what is known as quantum leaps. The idea of
gradual steps, however continue to be taught despite the obvious. Because
of this belief in the continuity of matter it is reasoned that matter
continually combines and decombines and eventually, if given enough time,
will produce everything that matter is capable of producing. So in essence
the reason for not believing in a designer is that matter is believed to
produce everything possible if left by itself long enough.
That in a nutshell is what I think modern evolutionary thinking has its
foundations on – of course evolutionary scientists today don’t admit that
the ToE is based more on philosophical thinking then on scientific facts -
but the evidence state otherwise. If you do some research into
evolutionary thinking you will probably arrive at the same conclusions –
that there are no solid scientific basis or proofs of evolution but mostly
speculations and wishful thinking.
The statistics of evolutionary
For the most part through skilful
manipulation, government funding and the like, evolutionary thinking has
established itself as the educational orthodoxy in the public schools with
little or no opposition. In a nation where a majority of the people
express beliefs contrary to naturalistic evolution - why is that
evolutionary thinking have become the dominant orthodoxy.
In a Gallup poll done about two decades ago to measure nationwide views on
the topic of origins, 44% of those surveyed agreed with the statement that
"God created man pretty much in his present form at one time within the
last 10,000 years." This would seem to indicate that they can be
considered “young earth creationists” in a sense. Of those surveyed 38%
accepted evolution as a process in which God used to create while only 9%
believed that naturalistic evolution with no God was how all life came to
be. What I don’t understand is how the philosophy of the 9% is now taught
in the schools as undisputed fact? Does anyone know how this has happened
or why this has happened? And could this be a sign of what is to come when
many will be lead astray?
Can evolutionary “science” lead men
to a correct understanding of our origin and thus see the need for a
If it can then this would mean that fallible men using a
man made (and therefore fallible) methodology with an incorrect postulate
of atheism - can arrive at the truth about God. What logic is there in
theistic evolutionists who use a system of thought that contradicts one of
the basic postulates of their system! In other words how can it be said
that God used evolution, when the basic underlying premise behind
evolution is that there is no God to begin with?
After all is it not that the foundational philosophy behind modern science
is its strict adherence to that of materialism? In my view does this not
exclude the considerations of anything supernatural or that which is
beyond this reality?
Even the late evolutionist Carl Sagan said himself that, “The cosmos is
all that there ever was or ever will be.” (A very blatant atheistic
statement if you ask me.) Of course I dare not conclude that all
scientists are atheists by nature, because that is hardly the case.
However it does mean that the total exclusion of even the slightest
reference to the supernatural makes most of modern evolutionary science a
tacitly atheistic endeavor.
Of course theistic evolutionists bring the question of a designer god into
the equation, but only when they require him or are at a dead end – and
often times it is only in the very early stage of the evolutionary
process. By doing this many lay persons who do not know their way around
evolutionary thinking fail to correctly identify the atheistic nature of
modern evolutionary science.
Why make all this fuss about how God
created as long as we all believe in God?
If only it were that simple. There are many scriptural foundations that
would collapse if left to the falsehood of evolution. Among the most
difficult to address are those who claim to be friends of both sides of
the spiritual battle. It can be concluded that those who chose neither
side fully more or less have betrayed their trust in God’s Word by
committing spiritual fornication in compromising with the accepted beliefs
of the enemy.
Why do I say thus? My point is that true followers of Christ should keep
each other in check as to not be lead astray into teachings that deviate
from the Word of God. From my perspective evolutionary thinking has an
atheistic humanist stench that deviate to extremes from the scriptures. In
pointing this out I am reminded of how the apostles often rebuked false
teachers and each other for spreading hypocrisy against the body of
Christ. For example, Paul confronted Peter when he was being carried away
with his hypocrisy in Gal. 2:11-14. In another instance Paul ordered
Timothy to rebuke error in 2 Timothy 4:2.
It is often reiterated that creationism is dividing the church instead of
bringing it together. But that is furthest from the truth, for as a child
of God first, and then a creationist, I am simply following what has been
written – and that is as true believers of Christ we should not be weary
in our Spiritual battle:
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the
weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the
pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high
thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into
captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; And having in a
readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.
Do ye look on things after the outward appearance? If any man trust to
himself that he is Christ’s, let him of himself think this again, that, as
he is Christ’s, even so are we Christ’s. For though I should boast
somewhat more of our authority, which the Lord hath given us for
edification, and not for your destruction, I should not be ashamed:” 2
Corinthians 10:3-8
The effects of theistic evolution
Theistic evolution has basically reduced our
omniscient and omnipotent God into a sadistic, powerless, weakling who is
incompetent at designing anything and enjoys seeing his creation tormented
and tortured - as we can see in the cancerous mutations, unspeakable
atrocities of death and destruction of this world. The God that I know
does not use such means, for death is an intruder upon a world created in
In the debate of creation and evolution I have made clear as to my stand
on the word of God. The Bible is the inspired word of God and cannot be
compromised in any way or we risk losing our portion in God’s kingdom. We
are either for God or against Him. There is no middle ground where one can
lollygag in hopes of finding the right answer. There is only one right
answer, and I am sure many Christians will agree it is not in any theory
but in our personal walk with JC. Faith in God does not rest on
creationism or evolution being proven or disproved. The only answer is the
Lord Jesus Christ. Until JC rules your heart – you will not see the truth
of God’s love. For what one uses to rationalize ones faith is determined
by the presence of JC in their lives, and it is His presence that has
revealed to me that the God of the Bible is not a god of an old earth but
one of infinite love and mercy.
What causes me to reject naturalistic evolution, theistic evolution and
the like is the blind unguided process that eliminates the need for an
omniscient designer and have reduced the almighty creator into an
ogre of a god who uses death, mutations, and suffering as a way of
bringing out a pseudo state of perfection. Will the world ever evolve to
become a perfect state? No, because we see everyday the reverse of
evolution – as useful things breakdown ever so quickly and the useless
things we can not get rid of. Order becomes chaos as living things
breakdown and die becoming the nonliving and not the other way around –
all do to the sin factor.
As human beings we cannot comprehend an infinite being with our finite
minds. An infinite being who designed the world with infinite wisdom,
thought and purpose built in and although it is now marred by sin, He
continues to uphold and maintain. Death and suffering is the consequence
of man’s rebellion and not our God's creative process, Man was placed in
dominion over God’s creation, and because of man’s choice the whole of
creation suffers until this day. Death and suffering are but intruders
upon a perfect world, for if we believe that death and suffering has
always been a part of life, then there is no point in hoping for relief
from such for if it has always been - then it will always be. Death and
suffering is what we see but as true believers we know that it is not
God’s will that we should suffer, but it is that by one man sin entered
the world. A choice made wrongly in eternity cannot be unmade, therefore I
believe God took mankind out of eternity and gave him a life span to
suffer and realize his sinful nature and to seek the salvation He has
offered in the sacrifice of His beloved Son.
What is common among theistic evolutionists,
progressive creationists or the like is that they continue to ignore the
consequence of comprising God's words in hope that by doing so more will
come to believe in God. Instead of telling nonbelievers as it is has been
written, many have watered it down with half truths.
Bishop John S. Spong is a prime example of the repercussions of Scriptural
compromise in that he now regards the Bible as a book filled with
inconsistencies and although it holds many moral truths it simply is a
written account of primitive beliefs in man’s early history.
According to Spong, science (and not the Bible) serves as a sieve for
human fallacy to arrive at a conclusion based on experiments and
observations and thus is untainted by prejudice (despite the obvious bias
of many scientists). He believes that the belief in a literal Bible is
primitive and results in belief “mistakes” such as the virginal
conception, bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ and the idea that same sex
relations are sinful. And according to Spong, thanks to science we now
have the truth. And it is that Jesus was neither born of a virgin, nor did
he rise from the dead and that homosexual relations are just as valid as
heterosexual relations.
Although Spong’s thinking and biblical views have been compromised and
sadly distorted to extremes - at least he is consistent, unlike many
theistic evolutionists who try to cling on to both. I think in the end
neither camp will accept them for they have sided with the enemy of the
Design demands a designer.
I think anyone with the correct
circuitry in their brain will conclude that design obviously demands a
designer. However it is emphasized in evolutionary thinking that the look
of design in biology requires no designer. Materialistic evolutionists
have thus convinced themselves that design is but an illusion – theistic
evolutionists who throw God into the equation believe no differently if
they insist that the evolutionary process is how He created.
I have been accused of being an imbecile simply because I believe that God
was the creator (engineer) of the many complex biological systems we see
today almost instantaneously and not through small increments as by the
evolutionary process. My accusers are convinced that only an uneducated
person would believe thus – for they say that an eye says nothing about a
designer who understood something about the physics of sight, or the
designer of an ear knew anything about the physics of sound. And worst of
all, that the brain was the result of unguided processes and says nothing
about a designer who knew anything about computer circuitry!
They are convinced you know that only prideful fools ignore the plethora
of “assumed” evidence for evolution. I am not annoyed though that they
feel this way about creationists such as myself because they have their
reasons for believing what they do just as I in what I do. I am very aware
of the many claimed evidences made by evolutionists. And yet it is not
ignorance of these evidences that makes man a fool but his ignorance of a
mighty creator that makes him a fool. For my faith in God compels me to
reject the evolutionary process in its entirety.
As true followers of Christ we know that the whole of this creation was
created in a short span of time and not over eons. We must understand how
Christians have gotten away from the position that God created in days and
not in long periods of time and still consider themselves to be believers.
It is not really difficult to understand intellectually why believers in
Christ could consistently accept evolution however there is no Spiritual
excuse for Jesus himself affirmed the historical account of the creation
of man and woman in Genesis 1 and 2 in Matthew 19:3–6.
What some Christians do not realize is that evolution and the Bible does
not mix and those who do so are as in this quote of an associate professor
in the School of Science and Technology Studies at the University of New
South Wales, Australia states:
“People seem to think that Christianity and evolution do or can go
together. But I suggest this is only possible for the intellectually
schizophrenic. Biological theory does not require or allow any sort of
divine guidance for the evolutionary process.” David Oldroyd, The Weekend
Review, March 2021, 1993, p.5.
The “intellectually schizophrenic” referred to is perhaps in that by
adding only God when convenient and not as the sole designer and sustainer
of all of creation how do we know that there is a God who only stands
outside and guides the evolutionary process if that were the case? The
only way you would know that such a being exists is through what has been
revealed in the Scriptures.
By accepting that God created using the evolutionary process, believers
reject the revelation about how God created. Since what God has done has
been written, it is not God that they believe but their own concoctions of
what He may have done. By doing this they only become futile in their
rationale of the creative capabilities and purpose of God because they
stand not on His revelation but contradict it. For in the evolutionary
process God plays an invisible role if any role at all and His omniscient
and omnipotent design capabilities are not revealed in His creation in any
The scriptures clearly state that the creative capabilities of God are
clearly shown in His creation as stated in Romans 1:20:
“For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are
clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his
eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:”
So we are without ‘excuse’ not in believing that God created as He has
revealed to us in the Scriptures if we believe anything else.
Instead of taking God's word for what it
says men have polluted it with their fallible theories. It is true faith
in God that has revealed to us God's creative capacities - not through
fallible human theories. For faith tells us that He created as it has been
written, but obviously for some believers faith is not enough. For them it
is not enough to say God said it therefore it must be so, but the
arrogance of man to find exactly how - that is when we go wrong. It is
when we assume we know more than God in how He created when we are but His
creation. In doing thus we become futile in thought and see not the
omnipotent design capabilities of God and His purpose for mankind.
I commend those who have not compromised the
word of God but are holding steadfast to the authority of His word for
this is true faith in God and great will be your reward. For it is written
that many will be called but few will be chosen to be the children of God.
Evolution does not occur. God does not lie. And those who hold fast to
God’s truth will be vindicated, for in the last chapter - God wins.